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eBay Facebook Marketplace

Items Guaranteed to Sell Or Your Money Back!

We provide you with lists of profitable items to dropship. We've done the research. We know what is going to sell. Why waste your time finding good items to dropship, when our team can do it for pennies?

We Save You Time!

If you purchase a list of items from us, list them on eBay, and less than 10% of them sell during the first month; we will send you a full refund.

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"I ordered the 1,000 item package. Only one week in and I've already gotten over 70 sales!"

Ayoub Gharbi

"Definitely looking forward to being a long term customer and ordering from you each month"

Saif Ashfak

"Today was an amazing day on eBay. I sold over $2,000 in the last 5 days — thank you guys! 

Close to 30 sales today. You guys are Gods gift to me!"

Lana Arena

"I watched the training videos and got started. I'm at 180 items sold now."

Ayoub Gharbi

"I wasn't sure how well the items would sell, but they really are!

I've only been doing this for 3 days, but I've gotten 40 sales already."

Paul Whittemore